Interprètes en cabine mobile
Interprètes en cabine mobile
Babel Bruegel
Babel Bruegel
Diaporama-Un traducteur_en_cabine
Diaporama-Un traducteur_en_cabine

  • Personal data protection, professional ethics and privacy policy


Pursuant to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016, the full text of which is available on this link, we have updated our privacy policy. We are delighted to share it with you, particularly given that transparency is one of our core values.

  • Conditions of use of the website
    • This website is secure (https)
    • We do not collect any personal data on this site. The site however implicitly collects some data via Google Analytics tracking and via sharing systems on social media platforms when you interact with them. We use this tracking only for statistical purposes: Audience measurement, number of visits, duration of sessions, number of pages viewed, geographical location of visitors, IP address of the user, URL of the links through which the visitor accessed the site, activity on the site and frequency of return, among others. This allows us to analyse Internet user browsing in order to improve our service and/or detect malfunctions. ‘Session’ cookies are temporarily stored on your computer / tablet / smartphone during a browsing session and are deleted at the end of the session. ‘Permanent’ cookies, on the other hand, remain stored longer on your hardware. They store information from one browsing session to another.
    • The menu of most browsers includes options to adjust / configure your cookie settings and manage your browsing preferences. Generally, the browser gives you the possibility of displaying your cookies, enabling cookies, disabling all cookies or only specific cookies, disabling all cookies when you close your browser, blocking cookies, being notified when you receive a cookie and clearing your cookie history. Feel free to consult the help sections specific to each browser.
    • The website contains a number of hypertext links set up by us and redirecting visitors to other sites, in particular, in addition to those mentioned above, professional associations, partners, customers, and various articles in the “News and insights” section. We are unable to control the entire content of those sites and are therefore not responsible for the consequences of access to these sites by our visitors, each user remaining free to activate the links made available or not. Although they are regularly checked and updated, we cannot guarantee the validity of these links over time either.
    • We do not allow any third parties to place advertising cookies on our site. No personal information concerning the site user is exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold to third parties, irrespective of the medium.
    • To protect the privacy of our visitors, we have never set up any contact forms or online quote requests where you may have to enter personal data. Only a link to an email address available to you on the “Contact” page of the site allows you to send an email if you wish to communicate with us.
    • To avoid bothering you, we do not do e-mailing campaigns and do not send out newsletters. To keep up to date with our news, feel free to consult our “News and Insights” page.
    • InterLingua Events also has a page on some social media such as:
    • The user is presumed to access the site using recent equipment, that does not contain viruses and that has a state-of-the-art browser that is regularly updated. InterLingua Events cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the site, whether such damage arises from the use of equipment that does not meet the above specifications, the appearance of a bug or any incompatibility. Of course, all our workstations are protected by antivirus software.
    • Our site is normally accessible at all times. However, occasional interruption of access to all or part of the pages for technical maintenance purposes may be necessary. In such cases, we will endeavour to keep you informed of the duration of the interruption.
    • The information and recommendations available on our website are provided in good faith and are updated regularly. Without being exhaustive, the information is supposed to be correct at the time we publish it. We do not, however, guarantee the timeliness of updates.
    • Our privacy policy may be amended or supplemented at any time to ensure compliance with possible legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments. In that case, the date of the update will be clearly indicated at the top of this policy. The onus is on the user to regularly consult this page to be informed of any changes.
  • Business management and HR
    • We use EBP Gestion Commerciale PRO OLT business management software. In 2017, the EBP software publisher anticipated the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now replacing the 1995 European Directive on the protection of personal data (95/46/CE) by a single piece of legislation that has put an end to legal fragmentation among Member States. Our databases are therefore protected by the legal provisions of the new European regulation.
    • The new version of the EBP software not only allows secure data management through mapping of the personal data that is processed, but also makes it possible to improve the security and inalterability of sales documents as part of the software’s compliance with recent tax obligations such as the VAT fraud prevention law.
    • The information collected is stored in a computerised file by Florence Joalland, founding director, controller, to provide the information and/or services you have requested, manage your project, coordinate all our services, contact you in the framework of the different events in which InterLingua Eventsmay take part, or offer assignments to our subcontractors (self-employed interpreters or translators-copywriters, technical service providers, other service providers) whose data file is managed on EBP Gestion Commerciale PRO. A sort function makes it possible to select the most suitable professionals for a given project, based on multiple criteria such as their geographical base, working languages, etc. Only authorised persons have access to the data they need.
    • The information collected may be conveyed, entirely or in part, depending on the nature and relevance of the data with respect to the needs of each category of recipient and the objective pursued,
      • our chartered accountant: FITECO, consultant, auditor, – 12B avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 44400 Rezé, France;
      • our bank advisor: CIC Ouest agence de Rezé – 37 place des Martyrs de la Résistance, 44401 Rezé cedex, France;
      • our preventive and curative maintenance service for the software: IO Conseil Informatique – 8 Rue de Laponie BP 4113, 44241 La-Chapelle-sur-Erdre Cedex, France;
      • our Webmaster: TECH AdHoc – 89 rue du Château d’eau, 44240 La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, France (2010/2023), and Marketing Local 44 rue de Bretagne, 44880 Sautron, France (since 2024);
      • our IT services provider: KESIA – 5 rue des Vignerons, 44220 Couëron, France;
      • the people who work with us, such as interpreters, translators, copywriters and proof-readers carrying out the assignment entrusted to them, technicians tasked with setting up, maintaining and taking down the necessary equipment, as well as reception staff, photographers, caterers and restaurant managers, florists and decorators, moderators and/or other related service providers, stakeholders, working as subcontractors or co-contractors at a given event or planned event, and also graphic designers, prepress operators, model makers, etc. as part of a documentary project, or technicians specialising in audiovisual post-production as part of subtitling institutional videos, interviews, reports, etc.
    • NOTE: InterLingua Events undertakes to adhere to a code of professional ethics, particularly regarding confidentiality. Our employees and subcontractors are also subject to professional secrecy and compliance with the ethical rules of the profession. A confidentiality and no-competition/non-solicitation agreement is signed between InterLingua Eventsand each interpreter/translator/copywriter working in the name of the company. The interpreter/translator/copywriter undertakes to refrain from directly approaching any customer for whom InterLingua Events ltasked that professional with an assignment, for a period of 12 months following the assignment. Reciprocally, the customer undertakes not to approach interpreters/translators made available by InterLingua Events. Consequently, any request for or offer of interpreting and/or translation services following a given assignment must go through InterLingua Events. (see our general sales terms attached to all our quotes and available online on the “Contact” page of our website, in the “Downloadable Documentation” section).
    • Given that we seek to favour local relationships, we subcontract outside the European Union only when this is absolutely necessary. As part of our CSR policy, which takes into account not only the environmental aspect, but also the human, social and economic aspects of the concept of sustainable development, we aim to enhance local/regional resources in all circumstances. All skills being equal, we select our service providers, partners and subcontractors as close as possible to the event venue, with the threefold objective of limiting the impact of travel, both in terms of cost for the customer and carbon footprint for the planet, and to favour development of the local economy.
    • One of the important parameters of CSR is the way companies interact with their various in-house and external partners (employees, suppliers, subcontractors, customers, public authorities, etc.). It incorporates a notion of business ethics: Respect for the interests of customers and users/consumers, quality of subcontracting, good practices, transparency, healthy competition, as well as the HR dimension of social responsibility: Due regard for labour standards, employee and subcontractor well-being and quality of compensation conditions. All our translators and interpreters are self-employed professionals recruited for specific assignments to respond with relevance to all requirements depending on each specific context, theme and challenge (type of meeting, cultural origin of participants, content of papers and debates, nature, content and purpose of the document to be translated, etc.). From one project to another, however, we tend to build teams consisting of specialists providing services for given customers.
    • For interpreting assignments, when we choose the pairs of interpreters who will work together, we take their linguistic origin into account (mother tongue – A / active foreign language – B) so that our duos are as complementary as possible. For major international conferences with speakers and/or audiences from diverse linguistic backgrounds, we ensure, for English, that a British English speaker is paired with a North American English speaker, for Spanish, that an Iberian Spanish speaker is paired with a Latin-American Spanish speaker, for Portuguese, that a European Portuguese speaker is paired with a Brazilian Portuguese speaker, etc. with a view to covering as many local linguistic specificities as possible. Where the target audience is very specific, on the other hand (English-speaking delegation from New Zealand, Spanish-speaking delegation from Peru or Arabic-speaking delegation from Egypt, for example), we ensure that we select interpreters with perfect command of the language and culture of the region clearly defined by the event organisers beforehand. In the framework of multilingual conferences, we focus on selecting interpreters who, in addition to their A and B languages, have command of one or several other language(s) spoken at the conference, to avoid, as far as possible, relay interpreting through a pivot booth and allow direct contact between the presentations in the different source languages to be interpreted into the different target languages. Our selection is never discriminatory, but always based on finding the best match for the context and needs. Finally, we attempt insofar as possible to pair mixed male/female duos, both to ensure gender parity and to provide balance of voices. Our ratio of men to women is approximately ⅓ (M) / ⅔ (W) and we have a policy of zero tolerance towards any form of harassment.
    • Interpreters and other working partners whose names, surnames, titles and/or clearly identifiable images appear on our website or in any other of our publications have all given us explicit permission to make use thereof.
    • Some ®/™ names mentioned and/or logos displayed as part of press references, customer references, partner venues and businesses, professional associations, business clubs and (among others) technical equipment used, may be protected by trademarks that are clearly not the property of InterLingua Events but are owned by third parties, without such protection necessarily being indicated.
    • We also reserve the right to publish the identity of some of our customers on the “What our clients say about us” page our website, without prior approval being required.
    • We consider that it is with full knowledge of the facts that our customers and contacts provide us with the information concerning them that is deemed relevant. We need the information collected throughout the duration of the project for which we have been contacted (or for which we contacted the customer) and it is useful to us throughout our business relationship. The information is kept for a maximum period of 10 years following our last contact with the customer.
    • Everyone has a right of access, correction and opposition regarding their own personal data. All that is required is a signed written request (request sent with a copy of an identity document bearing the holder’s signature), specifying the address to which the reply should be sent. To exercise your rights, send an email or post a letter to the addresses available on the “Contact” page of our website.
  • General provisions
    • InterLingua Events has taken out operating liability and professional liability insurance with the insurance company Groupama, Assurances professionnels, entreprises et commerces – Groupama, insurance Policy Accomplir # 11191278 0001.
    • InterLingua Events is governed by French law. In the event of a dispute, if no amicable agreement can be reached, the courts of Nantes shall have sole jurisdiction regardless of the nationality of the user of our website and/or our services. Only the French version of the foregoing shall prevail.